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Admin 04/06/2021 15:40
Navigating Product Development Complexities with Agile

The stark difference between recognizing the indispensability of agile and not recognizing it, is the outbreak of a pandemic. A torrent of new changes ushered in by COVID-19 has irreversibly disrupted the existing systems and brought under the spotlight, companies’ agility (or lack of it) to navigate the new reality. “In this complex world, however, uncertainty is inseparable from reality and to make events of chance, a scapegoat for performing poorly is not only an exercise in futility but...

Agile Software Development Software development Product Development agile product leader Agile Development
Admin 18/10/2021 21:10
Becoming Agile Business Analyst - Scrum Methodology ( Part 2)

In the previous section, I introduced you to the fundamental concepts of the Scrum team's nature and roles. In this section, we'll learn more about Scrum events, artifacts, and the definition of "done." 5. Scrum events Regulated events in scrum create consistency, reducing meetings that are not defined in scrum. All events have a clear timeframe, i.e. a maximum time period has been specified for each event. When a sprint begins, its duration is fixed and cannot be reduced or...

Agile Development Agile Practices Scrum methodology