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PHP Cách download files từ một server sftp về local

Created by Admin
<?php // Make our connection $connection = ssh2_connect(''); // Authenticate if (!ssh2_auth_password($connection, 'skkikaku', 'lG17DwToDvi')) { throw new Exception('Unable to connect.'); } else { echo "connected"; } // Create our SFTP resource if (!$sftp = ssh2_sftp($connection)) { throw new Exception('Unable to create SFTP connection.'); } else { echo "connected2"; } $files = array(); $dirHandle = opendir("ssh2.sftp://$sftp/home/skkikaku/csv/"); // Properly scan through the directory for files, ignoring directory indexes (. & ..) while (false !== ($file = readdir($dirHandle))) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { $files[] = $file; } } if (count($files)) { foreach ($files as $fileName) { // Remote stream if (!$remoteStream = @fopen("ssh2.sftp://$sftp/home/skkikaku/csv/$fileName", 'r')) { throw new Exception("Unable to open remote file: $fileName"); } // Local stream chmod($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/localdir/$fileName', 0777); if (!$localStream = @fopen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/localdir/$fileName", 'w')) { throw new Exception("Unable to open local file for writing: /localdir/$fileName"); } // Write from our remote stream to our local stream $read = 0; $fileSize = filesize("ssh2.sftp://$sftp/home/skkikaku/csv/$fileName"); while ($read < $fileSize && ($buffer = fread($remoteStream, $fileSize - $read))) { // Increase our bytes read $read += strlen($buffer); // Write to our local file if (fwrite($localStream, $buffer) === FALSE) { throw new Exception("Unable to write to local file: /localdir/$fileName"); } } // Close our streams fclose($localStream); fclose($remoteStream); } }