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Install JavaFx

Created by Admin

Step 1. Make sure you installed JDK if not you can view following link Guide Install JDK.

Step 2. Enter Help> Eclipse Marketplace> and search "fx".

Just click install e(fx)clipse 3.7.0, just next, next,... :V.

Step 3. After you installed, we have to create User Library for JavaFx. Click to Window > Preference> search "user" > New .

- Enter name for your library, whatever name matter, here i type "JavaFx".

Step 4. Click the created Library, here i created "JavaFx" and click Add External JARs .

Choose all jars file and click Open.

Okay! You just created a JavaFx Library! Let' go on!.

6. Now create new JavaFX Project.

Click File > New > Other.

Click JavaFX > JavaFXProject > Next.

Step 8. Enter name for project and chose Next.

Step 9. Click Libraries > Modulespath> Add Library.

Step 10. Choose the "JavaFx" the library created before. then click Finish.

Step 11. Run your project and enjoy. But if you get this error just handle like this.

Error: JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run this application

Right click your Project > Run As > Run Configurations ...

Click Arguments tab.

Put line below to VM arguments: and change you location of javafx you have been downloaded before part of me, i located at like this.

--module-path "D:\Downloads\javafx-sdk-16\lib" --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml

Everything should be like that.

Enter Apply > Run.

Congratulation! you have installed JavaFx successfully! Happly Coding!.
