Being a pharmacist isn’t as rosy as it seems. One doesn’t get to know when an angry patient walks in. However, one cannot blame the patient as he has been struggling with his health for a long and may resort to anger to vent out. Nevertheless, Ravi Morisetty has got plenty of experience and is once again ready to share it with the newcomers. The following section describes what should a druggist carry to combat every problem that arises. Further, it states one basic attribute every pharmacist should possess that commands his successful journey to the future. Let’s get started.
Common Attributes That Every Pharmacist Should Carry
Soft Skills: Knowing what to speak and when to speak is what most pharmacists’ lack. Ravi Morisetty strongly believes in the power of words and ensures that your words, when articulated properly can bring a change in someone’s life. Soft skills can help calm down a client who may be angry.
Marketing Skills: Marketing is all about what you present to the public. The right marketing can automatically discard the competitive problems coming your way. If your shelves contain the product one is looking for, and besides that, there is another item that complements the former, then you are sure to attain a few extra bucks.
Listening Skills: Listening is more important than speaking. People come in for your advice and one can only give perfect advice if he is paying attention to the details provided by the customer.
A Learning Habit: Learn daily. You may be all expert in bookkeeping, yet you may be switched with someone who possesses simple computer knowledge. If you wish to have a sustainable pharmacy career, be sure to add more feathers to your hat as time passes.
Legal Knowledge: A bit of legal knowledge can settle several arguments instantly. Know what your rights and powers are when it comes to settling an unsettling client. You can perhaps make use of legal knowledge to take the angry customer down.
Market Update: Make sure you always collect the info of the market around you. What is in demand? What should one put up as a banner to attract people? As Ravi Morisetty quotes, one who doesn’t adapt to the dynamic world gets left behind to live in the past!
Conclusively: The pharmacy business isn’t run by hard and fast rules. It speeds up when you upgrade your skills to compete with the world. Make sure you work on the aforementioned aspects to build your career.